2019 Legislation That Impacts Deaf And HH Kids
As of Friday, February 22, 2019 at the General Assembly…
(1) HB 2026 Newborn screening; congenital cytomegalovirus.
Newborn screening; congenital cytomegalovirus. Directs the Board of Health to amend regulations governing newborn screening to include screening for congenital cytomegalovirus in newborns who fail the newborn hearing screen.
State of HB 2026 = Still in progress, but just passed House with 100% YES
(2) HB 2137 Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing; replaces certain terminology.
Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing; terminology. Replaces the term "hearing impaired" and its variations with "deaf or hard of hearing" and "hearing loss" throughout the Code of Virginia. The bill also renames the Virginia Hearing Impairment Identification and Monitoring System as the Virginia Hearing Loss Identification and Monitoring System.
State of HB 2137 = Passed 100% YES in both House and Senate
(3) HB 2601 Health insurance; coverage for hearing aids for minors.
Health insurance; coverage for hearing aids for minors. Requires health insurers, corporations providing health care coverage subscription contracts, and health maintenance organizations to provide coverage for the billed charges of one hearing aid per hearing impaired ear not to exceed $3,000 per hearing aid for minors. The measure requires the coverage to provide the replacement for one hearing aid per hearing impaired ear every 48 months. The measure exempts the requirement for coverage if (i) the contract, policy, or plan is offered by any employer with 10 or fewer employees; (ii) an actuary certifies that providing the coverage will result in an increase in premiums of one percent or more; or (iii) the contract, policy, or plan is offered on a health benefit exchange and the benefits provided exceed the essential health benefits required under § 1302(b) of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The measure applies to policies, contracts, and plans delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2020.HB 2601 Health insurance; coverage for hearing aids for minors.
State of HB 2601 = Tabled in Commerce And Labor (Where bills requiring insurance mandates go to be reviewed)